English Language
Learning Outcomes
The English Language programme at Angsana Primary School aims to:
- develop the love for the English Language in students;
- develop our students to be effective and confident communicators of the English Language; and
- engage our students in rich learning experiences to develop the language skills of reading, listening, speaking and writing.
Pedagogical Approaches
The school adopts the STELLAR (Strategies for English Language Learning And Reading) programme in the teaching and learning of English Language. Learning tasks and activities are designed for students to learn language skills in authentic and meaningful contexts. The skills will be taught, revised and revisited at increasing levels of difficulty and complexity as the child progresses from the foundational level to higher levels of language use.
Key Programmes
Englishtopia is a week-long celebration of the English Language in Angsana Primary School. It provides opportunities for students to explore the beauty of the English Language through various activities ranging from classroom quizzes and competitions to school-wide performances and talks by students and professionals.

The STELLAR Vision
Children who love reading and have a strong foundation in the English Language.
STELLAR and Language Learning
Teaching and learning of English using more speaking and listening activities. Children learn reading and writing using rich and interesting books, with discussions led by the teacher.
Features of a STELLAR Classroom
- Focused on children’s interaction rather than teacher talk.
- Enriched with children’s written language.
- Filled with various reading materials for children’s use.
English language learning is achieved through:
- vocabulary learned in books
- expressions of thoughts in oral and written forms
- discussions with other children and the teacher
- informal peer interaction
Each STELLAR unit includes:
A) Focused reading using big books (P1 to P3a) and readers (P4 to P6)
- reading for enjoyment
- reading for knowledge
B) Key Teaching Points
- Concepts about print
- Vocabulary
- Word identification activities
- Grammar
C) Development of the four language skills
- Listening
- Speaking
- Reading
- Writing
D) Development of social skills
- Oral interaction among peers in non-threatening situations
- Working in partnership with other children
- Turn taking and respect for others during class discussion
E) Independent learning
- Individual reading
- Individual writing
- Working at learning centres/activity centres
How Parents Can Help
- Home support – help your child learn English by providing English language materials at home.
- Activate child’s interest – show your child you believe learning English is both enjoyable and useful in your daily life.
- Role models – read and write notes and messages in front of your child.
- Understanding – English language learning requires frequent exposure to listening, speaking, reading and writing opportunities and activities rather than use of worksheets alone.
Tips for parents
- Go to the library together
- Have lots of books, magazines and newspapers in your home
- Give your child books about their special interests
- Allow your child to choose books to read and reread
- Read to and with your child or have your child read to you
- Talk about the books and characters read