ECHA Award
2024 MOE Edusave Character Award
In 2012, MOE introduced the Edusave Character Award (ECHA) to enable schools to recognise students who demonstrate exemplary character and outstanding personal qualities through their behaviour and actions. This is part of the larger goal to foster an inclusive and stronger Singapore as schools broaden the qualities and achievements to be encouraged and applauded.
At Angsana Primary School, we wish to recognise students who consistently live up to the school values and are good role models to others around them.
To be eligible for the award, the student must be a Singapore Citizen. He/She should attain a conduct grade of either “Very Good” or ‘Excellent’ for the current year. For a more holistic representation of the awardees, the school will be gathering input from teachers, parents, students and other stakeholders, which include CCA coaches and school vendors. We would like to invite parents and other stakeholders to nominate students who are deserving of the award. You may download the form from the school website and submit it after completion to the school office by Friday, 2 August 2024.